
Dear Soldier,
I am writing to tell you that you haven't been forgotten.
Today, Remembrance Sunday, I visited the memorial garden at RAF Snaith in Pollington by the side of the old runway. The service started when RAF pilots marched in wearing their shiny medals with pride as the lone bugler played the Last Post and the flags were lowered to half mast. We stood in silence.
I thought about what I had seen on TV, of the black and white images of planes dropping bombs and planes falling from the skies. I thought how brave you all were. Were you ever scared? Did you ever think of yourself when you gave your life for me?
Then it was my turn. Stepping forward, gently carring the posy of scarlet poppies I bent down and placed the poppies on the stone. Taking a step back, I bowed my head while quietly saying "Thank you"
Your bravery will always be special to me.
Yours faithfully,
Thomas Calpin
Snaith Primary School